…because we all like transparency.


Why is your website registered through a proxy?

Because I want to protect family and friends from harassment by government fan club members who don’t appreciate the Winchester Watchdog.

Why are you anonymous?

See previous answer. Also, the focus should not be on the Winchester Watchdog’s author. Honestly, I am just a nobody. Who I am is not important. I am not making any money or acquiring any fame from the Winchester Watchdog, nor do I want to.

Are you a member of the Apple Valley Tea Party?


Are you the Pibbster?


Are you a government employee?


Are you a member of a government board, commission or committee?


Are you anti-government?


Why are you “harassing” government officials?

If shining a light on government ordinances and government spending of taxpayer money is “harassment,” there really is nothing to say.

The Winchester Watchdog does not focus on gossip such as what underwear the local officials are wearing, who they are sleeping with, or what their relatives’ criminal records are. All that the Winchester Watchdog reports on is what the local government is doing, such as what new laws they are imposing on the people and how they are spending the people’s money.

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